Oh, forgot to include this link, here is a very simple starter app that uses 
this session to show how many times you have visited the page:


It uses the dangerous memory session plug though …


On Apr 28, 2014, at 19:30 , Bert JW Regeer <xiste...@0x58.com> wrote:

> So this discussion has been going on for quite some time, and each time I saw 
> this email come by I figured there has to be a better way than to continue 
> going on whether there should be an session_id on the session or not.
> I personally don’t think there should be, and it should be implementation 
> defined, so to that end I have actually ended up writing 
> pyramid_pluggable_session. It’s really simple, it even takes the same 
> parameters as the default SignedCookieSessionFactory(), it couldn’t be 
> simpler … ;-)
> So here you can find the code:
> https://github.com/usingnamespace/pyramid_pluggable_session
> Now, this is 0.0.0dev, that is no checking what so ever, no tests, nothing, 
> and it only comes with a single pluggable interface, and it uses local memory 
> without threading support so it’s dangerous, but sometimes I like to live on 
> the edge ;-)
> I hear you say, well how do I use it… perfect, stick this in your .ini:
> pluggable_session.secret = ThisShouldBeSecret
> pluggable_session.plug = pyramid_pluggable_session.memory.MemorySessionPlug
> And add:
> pyramid_pluggable_session to your pyramid_includes or do 
> config.include(‘pyramid_pluggable_session’).
> Plugging is simple:
> https://github.com/usingnamespace/pyramid_pluggable_session/blob/master/pyramid_pluggable_session/memory.py
> Now, the backend in my case simply needs to store the opaque object, the 
> backend shouldn’t care what the data being stored is at all, which even in 
> the case of using a database is perfect, no exploding amount of tables 
> required, cause normalisation doesn’t come into play here.
> Now each loads() gets access to the session object (the only thing 
> initialised at that time is the session_id though …) and the request (that is 
> where you can stash your connections to redis/database and get access to the 
> registry).
> Each dumps() gets access to the session object, this time all the required 
> ISession variables are available, such as .created, so you can store that in 
> your DB for expiration purposes, along with the session_id of course, and 
> then the request object, and the session_data.
> In my implementation the session_data is serialized using Pickle, it is then 
> Signed. This means that even data coming from the backend is verified that it 
> hasn’t been tampered with (or more likely, no data corruption has happened).
> The only thing sent to the client is a cookie containing the session id. Now 
> the session id is 20 bytes of random that has been hexlified. The cookie data 
> is serialised/signed using the SignedCookieHelper in WebOb. So if someone 
> wanted to tamper with the cookie (to change the session ID for example) they 
> would also need to know your secret…
> Now go forth and enjoy. I’ll accept pull requests for file based storage, 
> redis/mongo/db based storage, and other stuff like that. Or even better, 
> create pyramid_sessplug_<name>, so that people that want to use certain ones 
> can use them.
> Bert JW Regeer

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