On 03/13/2015 04:05 PM, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:

On Friday, March 13, 2015 at 3:53:38 PM UTC-4, Chris McDonough wrote:

    You mean renderers specified via view_config(renderer=...).  Like I
    said, I don't think this is the right place to implement caching.

Sorry, I think we're having 2 different conversations about the same thing.

s/about the same thing// but ok ;)

I'm not suggesting that caching be implemented in

I'm just stating that `view_config(renderer=...)` natively supports
"renderers" that are templating engines, json, raw strings (as
"text/plaintext"), but not actually HTML.  Where the HTML comes from is
irrelevant (be it a cache or manually created during the view).  In
order to return HTML from a view, one needs to manually craft a
response.  That is what I find awkward.

OK that's a different issue, yep. It would be great if you could currently do this:

def myview(request):
    request.response.content_type = 'text/html'
    return '<html><body>Hi</body></body>'

But you can't. It's a bit of a genuine bug that you can't due to the way the string renderer operates, but I've never figured out a good way to fix it. You can work around it currently by doing something like this:

def myview(request):
    request.response.content_type = 'text/html '
    return '<html><body>Hi</body></body>'

Note the space after text/html inside the string literal assigned to response.content_type. Yes, lame, I know. You'll see why its necessary if you read the string renderer code.

Of course you can also make a custom renderer:

from pyramid.compat import string_types

def html_renderer_factory(info):
    def _render(value, system):
        if not isinstance(value, string_types):
            value = str(value)
        return value
    return _render

config.add_renderer('html', html_renderer_factory)


def myview(request):
    return '<html><body>Hi</body></body>'

What this has to do with caching or the other conversation I have no idea, but there it is.

- C

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