> On Jun 20, 2017, at 22:05, Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 11:34 AM, Bert JW Regeer <xiste...@0x58.com> wrote:
>> AuthTkt relies on the browsers goodwill, what you are looking for is a way 
>> for you to expire an authentication session server side:
>> https://usingnamespace.gitlab.io/pyramid_authsanity/faq.html#why-tickets
> That says that storing the user ID in a cookie is a bad idea, but
> isn't that what AuthTktAuthenticationFactory does?

Yes, and my implementation does too. However what is referred to there is when 
people do:




And just add that to a cookie. That is what allows trivial “attacks” whereby an 
attacker just changes the cookie to say “authentication=adminaccount” and now 
they have an admin account.

AuthTkt goes a step further in that it stores the userid/username and signs it, 
so it can’t be spoofed, but there is no expiration server side, that is where 
having a ticket server side comes in.

> It says that it's
> better to have a server-side list of valid tokens, but does
> AuthTktAuthenticationFactory have that and if so where?

It does not have this.

> If it doesn't,
> why is it called a ticket, because it seems to be the non-ticket the
> article is disrecommending.


> Whereas if the server did have a list of
> valid tickets, then it could just delete the ticket, and then if the
> client comes back with a ticket-cookie that should have expired, the
> application can tell the browser where to go.

Exactly what you want


It’s overloading the language of what a ticket is. In AuthTkt the “ticket” is 
the cookie. In my case the tickets are per authentication “tickets” that are 
compared on the backend to the front-end. I guess I could clear up the language 
or change it or use something like “token” but that also has a very specific 
connotation for people.

The important thing is that you can invalidate an existing authentication 
without a client being involved.


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