On Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 1:01:05 PM UTC-4, Mike Orr wrote:
> That says that storing the user ID in a cookie is a bad idea, but 
> isn't that what AuthTktAuthenticationFactory does?

Storing a user_id AS the cookie payload for auth is a bad idea.  Storing a 
user_id IN a signed (or encrypted) payload however is usually fine.

A common TERRIBLE authentication policy is to have plaintext 
username/userid data as a cookie.  That can easily be spoofed, stolen, etc.

I'll try to explain what many others have already said slightly 

One common improvement to insecure session concept is to use a signed 
cookie payload.  The cookie may have the user_id in it, but the payload 
would be in a structure like this:

    payload['timestamp'] = time.time()
    serialized_payload = serialize(payload)
    signature = sign_payload(serialized_payload, site_secret))
    cookie_value = ':'.join([serialized_payload, signature])

A timestamp is added to the payload to limit how long it is effective for, 
it's then serialized and signed.
The server can reject any cookies for being before a certain timestamp, or 
signed with the wrong secret.
An attacker knowing the user_id is irrelevant, because they can't craft a 
payload signature.  
The weakness is that the cookie itself could be intercepted and stolen.
AuthTkt is another common improvement to Sessions and can either work 
alongside an encrypted/signed session OR in place of it.

In the original Apache mod_perl implementation (which became mod_auth_tkt 
in c, IIRC), an authtkt was basically a signed cookie that simply 
authenticated a username+ip combo as "valid" for a fixed time.  It was 
pretty lightweight and done (in part) to offload database session checking 
-- which was heavy then.  It had routines to be tracked/checked server-side 
though, so a developer could revoke a specific ticket (instead of cycling 
out a shared secret - which would revoke them all).

Modern AuthTkt implementations -- like Bert's -- have a lot of hooks for 
more granular permissions and server-side checking, as this stuff is all 
incredibly simple and rather lightweight now.

One of the neater things with AuthTkts is that it becomes a bit easier to 
have "global" server side sessions for a user.  i.e. you can have a single 
user with multiple devices/auth-tkts, and each ticket authorizes to a 
shared session on the server (e.g via the user id).  

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