Hi All,

Once more determined to actually build something in pyramid, going to settle on a REST server to feed a web front end and likely a cli tool too.
Looking for advice on best bits to use, but in the meantime, looking at:


...I see a bunch of config in a python file, which is what I hate most about Django.

I would expect to see AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy's secret and ldap queries and password all coming from a config file. What's the pattern for this with Pyramid? Also curious what the best way is to structure an app beyond a trivial one-file-r like that ;-) In my head, I'm surprised to see the configurator growing ldap_* methods (I guess added by the config.include('pyramid_ldap')?)

My ageing memory has something in it about .ini format files, but I know there was some talk of making the config file format pluggable, how did that pan out?

Excitedly yours,


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