The INI file is just a convenience for developers who like that
format. Putting 'pyramid.includes - foo' in the INI file is equivalent
to calling 'config.include("foo")' in the main function. And both of
those are just conveniences for whatever initialization routine and
arguments 'foo' requires. The nice thing about INI is it provides four
things in one central place:

1. The application settings, which combine Pyramid's settings,
third-party dependency configuration, and your own custom settings.

2. WSGI server settings, if using 'pserve'.

3. Logging configuration, if using 'pserve' or you call

4. Other sections. 'pserve' doesn't use those but your application can
define its own sections if it wants to.

Some people put all their includes in the INI file so that they can
configure everything in one place. Others put "essential" includes and
settings in their main function -- things that must be set a certain
way or the application will break -- and "optional" includes and
settings in the INI file -- things that can be customized by the user.
However, it's sometimes difficult to make a clear distinction between
the two, especially if the same include has some essential arguments
and some optional ones. That leads people back to putting everything
in the INI file.

One disadvantage of INI is that everything comes in as strings. The
Pyramid docs show routines parsing these themselves. I don't like
this: it means validation bugs will happen there, perhaps deep in an
obscure request. So at the beginning of my 'main' routine I call a
'process_settings' function to validate them, convert them to their
proper types, and fill in default values. I tried both Formencode and
Colander and ended up using Formencode, because Colander separates
validation and conversion but I found too many cases where they have
to be done together or I allow two types (e.g., int or None, string or
None). If you don't convert the types, then any routine that uses the
settings has to, incluidng dependencies, so some libraries have a
second initialization function that does that (SQLAlchemy's
'engine_from_config' vs 'create_engine').

On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 11:08 AM, Chris Withers <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Once more determined to actually build something in pyramid, going to settle
> on a REST server to feed a web front end and likely a cli tool too.
> Looking for advice on best bits to use, but in the meantime, looking at:
> ...I see a bunch of config in a python file, which is what I hate most about
> Django.
> I would expect to see AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy's secret and ldap queries
> and password all coming from a config file.
> What's the pattern for this with Pyramid? Also curious what the best way is
> to structure an app beyond a trivial one-file-r like that ;-)
> In my head, I'm surprised to see the configurator growing ldap_* methods (I
> guess added by the config.include('pyramid_ldap')?)
> My ageing memory has something in it about .ini format files, but I know
> there was some talk of making the config file format pluggable, how did that
> pan out?
> Excitedly yours,
> Chris
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