On Fri, 11 Oct 2013, SangHee Kim wrote:

Hi everyone!

I have spent 5 hours to fix this problem but I can't. During installing
PyLucene withhttp://lucene.apache.org/pylucene/install.htmt , I faced with
a error like follwing.

sanghee-m:jcc sanghee$ python setup.py build
/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.frameworkTraceback (most recent call
 File "setup.py", line 398, in <module>
   main('--debug' in sys.argv)
 File "setup.py", line 306, in main
   from setuptools import LibraryImportError: cannot import name Library

Indeed, there are two problems with setuptools 1.1.6, apparently:
  1. the Library class is only accessible via setuptools.extension
  2. the logic in setuptools.command.build_ext patching in darwin-specific
     options for building a shared library into _CONFIG_VARS is broken

I added code to JCC's setup.py to workaround both issues.
This is checked into rev 1531420 in pylucene's trunk.

Please, refresh your copy of JCC from pylucene's trunk (still called 2.17), rebuild and reinstall it and try your pylucene 4.4.0 build again.
Please, let me know if this solves the problem for you as well.


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