On Friday 17 March 2017, Andi Vajda wrote:
> Now, several people, including yourself, have proposed
> python 3 ports. I still have to figure a way to package this all up
> into a release that works with both. I need some time to integrate
> the three python 3 ports,

FYI I have the other two ports also imported into my github repo which 
makes it easy to compare again.

$ git ls-remote  https://github.com/rudimeier/jcc |cut -f2

refs/heads/master        <<< my final one, works for py2 and py3
refs/heads/py3-old-orig  <<< old svn, pylucene/branches/python_3
refs/heads/py3-tommykoch <<< from https://gist.github.com/tommykoch


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