On Fri, 17 Mar 2017, Ruediger Meier wrote:

On Friday 17 March 2017, Andi Vajda wrote:
Now, several people, including yourself, have proposed
python 3 ports. I still have to figure a way to package this all up
into a release that works with both. I need some time to integrate
the three python 3 ports,

FYI I have the other two ports also imported into my github repo which
makes it easy to compare again.

$ git ls-remote  https://github.com/rudimeier/jcc |cut -f2

refs/heads/master        <<< my final one, works for py2 and py3
refs/heads/py3-old-orig  <<< old svn, pylucene/branches/python_3
refs/heads/py3-tommykoch <<< from https://gist.github.com/tommykoch

Thank you. I got started on this today and I'm now starting to look at the three ports. So far, I've got jcc split into two parts (still one module, one egg) to work with both python2 and python3 but keeping the code separate. It's too much of a mess to keep both versions together in the same file and I don't expect the python2 version to change too much since jcc has been quite stable...



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