On Thu, 22 Nov 2001, Sona Vasudevan wrote:
> Hi!
> Just wondering if there is a way to save a pymol session like in Insight
> and setor if I want to get back to it.

PyMOL isn't quite as sophisticated as Insight II in this respect, however
the logging features can achieve session-like behavior.  It works sort-of
like Grasp but with log files that are much more straight-forward to edit
and modify, since they are written in the PyMOL command language (.pml
files) or using PyMOL's Python API (.pym files).  Example:

Select "Log..." from the file menu immediately after you start PyMOL to
start writing a ".pml" or ".pym" log file.  Go about your business.

When done, press the "Get View" button and quit the program.

To resume your "session", launch PyMOL and select "Resume..." from the
file menu.  Open your log file and *PRESTO* PyMOL should be in
the same state as when you left. Any additional actions you then take will
be appended on to the log.  

Note that any "ray", "png", or "save" operations will be repeated when you
resume the log file.  Thus, you may want to edit the log file and
remove these commands with a text editor (Notepad on Windows) before
resuming.  Perhaps it would be nice to have a setting which ignores this
kinds of commands when resuming.  Hmm...

- Warren

PS. There is only bug I know of in the logging feature of 0.68 which
affects conformational editing when logging to .pml files.  It will be
fixed in the next release, but for now just log to .pym files if you
are going to edit conformations.


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