Question 1, CA-trace:  

show ribbon
set ribbon_sampling=1

(NOTE: requires all main chain atoms to be present, but not necessarily visible 
-- CA-only models will be supported later on).

Question 2, Alignment of structural homologs (requires version 0.82).

load prot1.pdb
load prot2.pdb
align prot1,prot2////ca

This will perform a sequence alignment and then an iterative alpha-carbon 
superposition of matched residues.


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Smith []
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 3:19 PM
Subject: [PyMOL] (no subject)


On the advice of a friend, I recently downloaded the OSX beta version of PyMOL. 
So far I'm very,very impressed. I have two questions: 1. How do you display a 
simple CA trace. I saw the selection for a backbone trace. 2. I want to rms-fit 
two structural homologs. How is this done in PyMOL? I tried using the fit 
command and kept getting errors. 

Thanks for you help 

Craig L. Smith, Ph. D. 
Molecular Microbiology 
Washington University School of Medicine 
660 South Euclid Box 8230 
Voice: (314) 362-9054 
Fax: (314) 362-1232 

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