I would like to make one isosurface transparent, and leave another solid
(or set different levels of transparency for each).  I know
object-specific transparency works for molecule objects, e.g.

  load molA.pdb, A
  load molB.pdb, B
  show surface, A
  show surface, B
  set transparency, 0.5, A

(object B remains solidly-rendered)

But if I try the same for isosurfaces, e.g.

  load mapA.ccp4, mapA
  load mapB.ccp4, mapB
  isosurface surfA, A, 1
  isosurface surfB, B, 1
  set transparency, 0.5, surfA

...the transparency of BOTH isosurfaces changes, as reflected by the
messages in the console:

PyMOL>set transparency, 0.5, surfA
 Setting: transparency set to 0.50000 in object 'mapA'.
 Setting: transparency set to 0.50000 in object 'mapB'.
 Setting: transparency set to 0.50000 in object 'surfA'.
 Setting: transparency set to 0.50000 in object 'surfB'.

Is there a way to make isosurface objects behave in the same way as the
molecule objects?


 Gareth Stockwell
 PhD student, Thornton Group
 EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute
 Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
 Cambridge CB10 1SD                                        
 Tel 01223 492548            Personal homepage:

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