Yes, my Kensington Optical Elite mouse (which actually has five buttons) works fine. The middle button is a scroll wheel which is also clickable. Clicking it does exactly as you expect it should. I'm using OS X 10.1.5 though, not 10.2. My office mate has just got 10.2 however, and she seems to have no problems with the same type of mouse.

The only problem I have is that I haven't figured out the command to get back from the secondary set of mouse commands to the main one. If you know what it is you could let me know!


On Wednesday, October 16, 2002, at 10:00  PM, Andy Calder wrote:

I have a microsoft intellimouse explorer, OS 10.2.1, and can't seem to get the mouse to function as a three button mouse. I have apparently normal left and right button function (+/- control, shift, both) but no middle button. I could use the wheel button if I could define it, but I haven't succeeded. I
would appreciate advice on how to fix this mouse, or what else to do.

I have MacOS X 10.2.1 but I use a Macally iOptinet mouse which is a similar
type of wheel mouse function to yours.

I too cannot get my middle button to function. Eg Move.

What I have done in the past is to define in the Macally mouse software that
middle button is something like ctrl R-button and then in PyMol use
cmd.button to change Move to be ctrl-R button. Its OK if you don’t want all
the mouse functions but a pain nonetheless.

Has anyone got real 3 button functioning in PyMOL (OSX)?

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