Actually, I've encountered this problem myself -- very annoying...

What happened is that you saved the Terminal window settings while you
had a PyMOL session open, so OS X inferred that you were indicating a
desire to have PyMOL open as a default preference.

The only way I know of changing this is to text-edit
$HOME/Library/Preferences/ and remove the
ExecutionString entry which contains PyMOL.  That means deleting those
two lines: the one which contains ExecutionString and the one with the
PyMOL launch command.

The OS X allows you to customize various terminal windows by saving different sets of preferences. What happens is that you somehow accidently saved the pymol-specific ones as your default.

Probably the simplest thing to do is

rm ~/Library/Preferences/

and either replace it with your carefully backed up copy, or else just re-set all the preferences next time you open terminal.

You can also avoid this problem by invoking pymol at the command line. For convenience,

alias pymol /Applications/PyMOL/Darwin/

and then just type pymol next time you start it. You can also open pdf files and/or .pml scripts in one command, eg:

alias pymol /Applications/PyMOL/Darwin/ -q /Users/username/pymol/alias.pml

Finally if you also are running the X-windows version, you may want to alias one of these to a different name (npymol or xpymol).


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