Really thank you Dr. DeLano,

I'll test it right now.

I used to work with 1,5 Gb memory, but now I'm praying to get at least 
more 256 Mb ram.

Money is no problem, the problem is the lack of it. :-)

BTW, what's default of cartoon_sampling?
How will it affect my pictures?


On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Warren L. DeLano wrote:

> Alan,
>       VMD is more memory efficient that PyMOL.  Probably the main
> reason for this is that PyMOL pre-calculates and stores all of the
> geometries it is going to show down to the last vertex.  
>       You can reduce the amount of memory PyMOL needs for cartoons by
> setting:
> set cartoon_sampling, 3
>       But the real way to solve your problem is to get more RAM.  If
> you're using PyMOL to visualize MD trajectories, I recommend buying as
> much RAM as you can afford (and your system can take).  1 GB is a
> reasonable minimum.  1.5-2 GB is definitely better.  I don't know what
> prices are like in Brazil, but a GB of RAM can be purchased here in the
> states for $150-400.
>       By the way, you can also use extra RAM to speed up ray-tracing
> by 2-3 fold if you set hash_max to 150-200.
> To answer to your second question:
> import os
> os.system"(mencoder \*.png -mf on:fps=30 -o mvc1ec2.avi
> -ovc lavc -lavcopts > vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=6000:vhq:keyint=30")
> Cheers,
> Warren

Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva
B.Sc. - Dep. Física - UFPA
M.Sc. - Dep. Física - PUC/RJ
Bolsista Pesquisador LAC-INPE
São José dos Campos (SP), Brasil

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