What I did so that I could use the labels command was read the coordinates
in twice. One copy was used for display, the second copy had no 
displays, but instead I attatched labels to the atoms on the second copy and
then moved these atoms around (and thusly the labels) till the label were
visible and well oriented.

I have to admit though, once you raytrace the labels become almost unreadable
and I think I will end up using them only to help me to position the final 
in a picture editing program...


PS: Here is an example of what I mean:

#read in PDB file with dummy name to move around atom-labels
set label_color,black
load a.pdb,bbbb
label (/bbbb//A/GLN`112/CA) ,"  %s-%s" % (resn,resi)
translate [-1,0,0],/bbbb//A/GLN`112/CA

Ingo P. Korndoerfer:
>hello everybody,
>shouldn't it be possible to extract the proper rotation for the cgo
>from the view matrix ?
>i have been trying arount a few things, but was not so succesful so far.
>my idea was, to
>- extract the coordinates of the atom i want from the pdb file. either
>from within pymol or in an external python script.
>- put a label at those positions
>- move the label to the origin.
>- apply the inverse of the rotational part of the view matrix
>- move the label back to were it came from
>- and then adjust the wee little offsets for better image clarity
>manually (try and error, as in molscript).
>or is that not possible ?
>from what i have seen, i can not apply a matrix directly to the cgo
>but would have to convert the matrix to three succesive rotations around
>x, y and z.
>also, moving the label to the origin, rotating and moving it back
>did not have quite the effect i was anticipating. i.e., it looked the
>same, as rotating in place.
>in particular, the label got moved a significant way off ...
>would anybody have any insights he would like to share ...
>putting in the labess in illustrator or gimp afterwards is way too
>cumbersome ...
>1000 thanks for your help

Robert Lucas                      rlu...@alumni.uci.edu
Department of Biochemistry        Phone: (206) 616-4510
HHMI & Univ. of Washington        Fax:   (206) 685-7002
Health Science Bldg., Room K-428  Box 357742, Seattle, WA 98195

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