At 03:11 AM 24/08/2004, Robert Lucas wrote:
I have to admit though, once you raytrace the labels become almost unreadable
and I think I will end up using them only to help me to position the final labels
in a picture editing program...

This has also been my conclusion.  If have settled on the following:

In pymol, make an additional set of ray traced stereo pictures, with the following additional commands:

set label_color, black
set label_font_id, 4
label name cb, ("...."+resi) #shifts label away from under atom, dots connect it back to cb, to avoid confusion in if the picture is cluttered#

Then, in the picture editing program, I add text labels, based on the fuzzy grey ray traced labels, and then transfer them to the unlabelled ray traced pictures.


Anthony Duff
Postdoctoral Fellow
School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences
Biochemistry Building, G08
University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Australia
Phone. 61-2-9351-3907   Fax. 61-2-9351-4726

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