Oops, sorry -- first link below should have been "http://mccammon.ucsd.edu/~cmura/PyMOL/"; (no trailing "ScriptsPatchesEtc/").

=== Cameron Mura wrote (on 09/15/2004 07:50 PM): ===

Hi Warren & others,

I've written a patch to the v0.97 source that enables "sausage"-style cartoon representations based upon B-factor field values. The file ("pymol-0.97cam.patch.tgz") is available for download from the scripts section of my PyMOL homepage ("http://mccammon.ucsd.edu/~cmura/PyMOL/ScriptsPatchesEtc/";), and some sample sausage cartoon images are available towards the bottom of "http://mccammon.ucsd.edu/~cmura/PyMOL/Sandbox/";.

This modified PyMOL works fine on my Red Hat 9 Linux set-up, but I haven't tested it otherwise. Please note that details are available in the tarball's README.txt file, and that this patch is with respect to the v0.97 source at http://pymol.sourceforge.net/obtaining.html (not recent CVS snapshots).

I've termed this representation "saus" (so it's invoked from the PyMOL command line as, e.g., "cartoon saus, all"), and its basic operation is analogous to the "tube"-style cartoons -- i.e., there are 'cartoon_saus_quality' and 'cartoon_saus_radius' settings.
Please let me know of any questions or problems with its usage.

Best regards,

Cameron Mura

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