dear pymol users!

I use the Kristian Roter's rtools for easy access pdb files.

however, if I start a pmyol script (.pml, which I just double-click in windows)
with a command like

pdb 1kv2

to get a pdb file loaded, I get an error which is, unfortunately,
beyond my pymol/python knowledge:

PyMOL>pdb 1kv2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Programme\DeLano Scientific\PyMOL\modules\pymol\", line 255, in parse
  File "<string>", line 1
     pdb 1kv2
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

pymol launches as usual after that, and I also can use
rtools commands without problems within it.



Christian Rummey

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