
Kernel: 2.4.26 (I observe the same with 2.4.25)
Distribution: Debian (straight SARGE, and pymol was acquired with apt-get, so
funny compiling business here)
Python: 2.3 (2.4 is also there, but only for testing purposes)

I've noticed on other mailing lists, that people have reported similar error
messages with other packages. This is how I found the original solutions. I
just wanted to report that it also occurs with Pymol. Perhaps you are right,
perhaps it's a python problem, but I'm not prepared to roll back to 2.2 to test

> What Linux are you using? Seems it's not a problem on RedHat linux, I am 
> running both 7.3 and EL-AS, with 2.4.20 and 2.4.21 kernel respectively, 
> and the exact same NVIDIA version without any problem at all.
> Although we are using python2.2, looks like you are using python2.3, maybe 
> that's the problem?
> Best
> Chen


According to what I've managed to learn from googling around a bit, this
doesn't occur on 2.6.x kernels.

> I'm running Fedora Core 2 with:
> (II) Module glx: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
>         compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.6111
> And:
> 2.6.8-1.521 #1 Mon Aug 16 09:01:18 EDT 2004 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
> With no problems whatsover...
> Robert

Well, I'm glad to hear this problem isn't as endemic for Pymol users as I had
feared. What surprised me was that it happened on a fresh Debian install. The
solutions I had posted earlier *do* solve the problem (they did for me), so
hopefully the information will be useful to some people who encounter it. 


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     `-..,..-'       `-..,..-'       `-..,..-'       `        
Laboratory of Dr. Didier Picard
University of Geneva
Department of Cell Biology
Scinces III
30, Quai Ernest-Ansermet
1211 Geneva 4

Tel: +41 22 379 3254
Fax: +41 22 379 6442


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