I recently upgraded to Fedora Core 3 and have been having some strange
problems with PyMOL.

Molecules look fine when rendered as lines, sticks or mesh, but spheres,
surfaces, and sometimes cartoons only appear for half the molecule.  See
the following page for examples of this.  I've also posted various
diagnostic information in the hope that some Linux guru out there may be
able to help.

The graphics card is an Intel 82865G.  This is (in theory) supported
out-of-the box by FC3; I have not installed anything except the
distribution.  The Intel homepage has some drivers for this card, but
they are the same as the ones bundled with FC3.  When I tried installing
them after the OS, I got exactly the same problem.



Gareth Stockwell <gar...@ebi.ac.uk>
European Bioinformatics Institute

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