The two missing loops of the 1DAN structure when in cartoon mode are
located to res. 183-189 and 220-220. I´m using a standard PC with
Windows 2000.

Any suggestions? A fellow collegue in my lab is having identical
troubles but he´s also using a PC with win2000. Its quite frustrating
because the rest of the structure looks great in PyMol!


Cheers Kasper


<-----Original Message----->

                 From: Joel Tyndall
Sent: 10/17/2005 12:07:00 AM
Subject: Re: [PyMOL] Missing parts in cartoon mode 

Hey Kasper, 

which loops can't you see (amino acid nos./chain/)? what OS are you on 
(OSX, PC, Linux?) I have had a look and it looks ok on windows 


J wrote: 

> Hi everybody 
> I am getting quite desperate! For some strange reason PyMol do not 
> display certain areas (several loops) of my .pdb file (1DAN) when in 
> cartoon display mode. When I display the structure in "lines" or 
> "sticks" everything is ok. Other pdb-viewers dont have this problem 
> with the same .pdb file. I have tried several things: 
> 1. Upgraded to the newest version og PyMol. 
> 2. Redefined secondary structure using the "alter" command. 
> 3. Imported the .pdb file into SwissViewer, saved as the imported 
> structure as a .pdb file, and then imported into PyMOl. 
> None of these things have solved the problem. Help please! (I would 
> hate to have to start using another pdb-viewer!!) Cheers Kasper 
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Joel Tyndall, PhD 

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Te Whare Wananga o Otago 
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