
I have a prloblem with viewing AMBER trajectory files, specifically, the topology appears messed up. When I load the trajectory into the topology object, the structure shows up dismembered into eight pieces on the vertices of a cude. I should note that I can load an AMBER coordinate file into the same topology with no problem, and that the trajectory displays just fine in VMD. I'm using MacPyMol on Mac OS 10.4.3. No error messages appear in loading the trajectory, here's the last few lines:

 ObjectMolecule: read set 757 into state 757...
 ObjectMolecule: read set 758 into state 758...
 CmdLoadTraj: "myo_2_20w.trj" appended into object "myo_20w".
 CmdLoadTraj: 758 total states in the object.

I appreciate your help,

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