Sorry Viktor and Warren, but I don't think your suggestions are applicable. I have only a single protein molecule in my trajectory, which I kept centered at the origin, so it never traverses the periodic boundary. I did strip all but 20 waters from it using ptraj and created the appropriate topology file for it. That topology and trajectory, as I mentioned, work just fine in VMD. And the problem begins with the first frame, so its doesn't seem like bounding box info is messing it up.

What I thought might be the case is that the format of that ptraj- generated topology might be a little different that what PyMOL expected, so I decided to try loading the original (fully-solvated) topology with the original (fully-solvated) trajectory into PyMOL. Well, all it did was tie up my computer for ~15 minutes and then crash PyMOL. The trajectory file is pretty large half a Gig) but it opens fine in VMD, and doesn't tie up my machine.

I'm sorry to keep harping on the VMD thing - I'd much rather render the trajectory in PyMOL because of its obvious graphical superiority, but at present I can't do it. Any ideas?

On Nov 20, 2005, at 9:34 PM, Viktor Hornak wrote:


is your system a single molecule or is it composed of multiple molecules (e.g. dimer)? Amber should not 'cut' your molecule into pieces, imaging can only separate molecules in a dimer, trimer or such. Also, was your system solvated? Did you strip water before visualizing in PyMOL? There may be an issue with your trajectory containing box information which might break a correspondence of trajectory coordinates and topology. To test this, see if the first frame of your trajectory looks ok but all others don't. ptraj is a good program to do various manipulations with your trajectory as Warren suggested.


Dmitry Kondrashov wrote:


I have a prloblem with viewing AMBER trajectory files, specifically, the topology appears messed up. When I load the trajectory into the topology object, the structure shows up dismembered into eight pieces on the vertices of a cude. I should note that I can load an AMBER coordinate file into the same topology with no problem, and that the trajectory displays just fine in VMD. I'm using MacPyMol on Mac OS 10.4.3. No error messages appear in loading the trajectory, here's the last few lines:

 ObjectMolecule: read set 757 into state 757...
 ObjectMolecule: read set 758 into state 758...
 CmdLoadTraj: "myo_2_20w.trj" appended into object "myo_20w".
 CmdLoadTraj: 758 total states in the object.

I appreciate your help,

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