Hi Sun,

Warren (and others?) has posted some text before about this. A simple
template for it is as follows with the key being that mview interpolate
command at the end. This works, but I haven't been through it recently to
remind myself of the nuances of the animate=0 options and the view=0 options
at their respective occurences, but if you play around with it I think
you'll find it a treat.  Don't forget that the mset 1 x180 should be
replaced by however many total frames you want in the movie, and repeat the
little blocks for however many scenes you have. If you don't mind equal
sized steps between scenes you can automate the whole thing in a little
python loop for X number of scenes. Also replace 001, 002, etc. with
whatever your scenes are stored as. Use the mview store, YY to pinpoint at
which frame you want that scene to be set.

mset 1 x180
scene 001, animate=0
mview store, 1
scene 002, animate=0
mview store, 60
mview interpolate
mdo 1: scene 001, view=0
mdo 2: scene 002, view=0

There are other non-scene based movie mechanisms that allow fancier fades
and things, but this way is certainly much easier to work with.


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