Dear all, 

I have several questions, please help me for this 

1. I would like to show side chain one colour by stick
and its backbone by cartoon another colour. So I tried
to create to same molecules. One with normal backbone
(no1) and the other with backbone and a sidechain
stick (no2). And it seem fine the no1 can cover no2
backbone so I have no problem with the unwanted
backbone colour on the sidechain that I want but when
I tried to ray and png them the colour was change it
show only no2 molecule so I have backbone as the
sidechain. Does anyone have suggestion on how can I
let the no1 shows on no2? Or if you have easier
suggestion please don't hesitate to tell. 

2. How to show hydrogen bond and other interactions?

3. What different between normal 'aline' and

4. How to fix the molecule (lock or make it not move).

5. Does pymol have any build in procheck or
Ramachandran plot? 

6. Do you know any website for pymol beginner
tutorial? Esp. how to create movie. I tried to read
from pymol manual but I'm quite confuse. 

Thank you cery much.

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