> how would I go about adding a package to the 
> $PYMOL_PATH/ext/.../site-packages w/o screwing up the install?
> For most packages the mechanism is "python setup.py install". Would this work 
> to run this from within pymol?

With my usual way of installing pymol is to build most of the
dependencies from source, including python.  This copy of python gets
sym-linked to pymol.python for building pymol (aka pymol.python setup.py
build , etc in the pymol source directory) and is only used for running

If you've installed things this way, then "pymol.python setup.py
install" for your package should work, assuming your environmental
python environmental variables are kept straight.

But this is something I haven't needed to test, so if Warren says it's
not possible he's probably found a problem with this approach I missed.


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