Hi Jason e.a.,

I usually do the hashing like:

VAL TRP TYR".split()
aa123 = dict(zip(aa1,aa3))
aa321 = dict(zip(aa3,aa1))

The real convenience in there is that you can easily construct any
kind of hash by just adding a matching list, and zipping.

Then to extract a sequence, I tend to go for a construction like:

sequence = [ aa321[i.resn] for i in cmd.get_model(selection + " and n.
ca").atom ]



On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 12:30 AM, Jason Vertrees
<jason.vertr...@schrodinger.com> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
>> iterate first my_res, stored.r = resn
> is syntactically correct, but could also be written,
> cmd.iterate("first my_res", "stored.r = resn");
> The command could be read as, "iterate over just first atom from the
> selection called 'my_res' and place the residue name in which that
> atom resides into 'stored.r'."  So, "first" is a new-ish selection
> modifier that takes just the first atom from a selection.  It's _very_
> handy: why iterate through all atoms in a residue to get a residue
> name, when just the first will do?  "resn" indeed returns the 3-letter
> residue code.
> A more efficient way might be:
> # select a residue, here #50 (or use the mouse)
> select mySelection, i. 50
> # get it's one-letter residue id
> print string.split(cmd.get_fastastr("mySelection"),'\n')[1]
> # get it's three-letter residue id
> print three_letter[string.split(cmd.get_fastastr("mySelection"),'\n')[1]]
> I just posted this on http://www.pymolwiki.org/index.php/Aa_codes.
> (You will need the two dictionaries found there.)
> There really should be a much easier way to do that... Maybe someone
> has a far easier command?
> Cheers,
> -- Jason
> On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 4:25 PM, Martin Hediger <ma....@bluewin.ch> wrote:
>>  Hi Jason, thanks for the comprehensive answer.
>> One question though, is the line
>> iterate first my_res, stored.r = resn
>> correct this way? Are there no braces or quotation marks needed? Its not
>> perfectly clear to me if 'first' and 'my_res' are selections (indicated by
>> braces) or objects (name without braces in the main window).
>> I understand 'resn' is something like 'GLU', if I want to know how many GLU
>> rotamers are in the library.
>> Thanks again
>> Martin
>> Am 12.09.10 22:00, schrieb Jason Vertrees:
>>> Hi Martin,
>>> PyMOL first searches the Dunbrack rotamer library for hits based upon
>>> the amino acid type and it's original phi/psi angles.  If it cannot
>>> find a hit, it will then look for backbone independent positions.  To
>>> get the number of available rotamers given a residue, you need to
>>> unpickle the library, create the lookup key into the library and then
>>> count the results.  It might look something like this:
>>> # unpickle the library
>>> import pickle
>>> rot_lib =
>>> pickle.load(open("$PYMOL_HOME/data/chempy/sidechains/sc_bb_dep.pkl",'r'))
>>> # get residue name, you need to select the residue
>>> # into "my_res"
>>> from pymol import stored
>>> stored.r = ''
>>> iterate first my_res, stored.r = resn
>>> # get residue info; prepare dictionary key
>>> (phi,psi) = cmd.phi_psi("br. first my_res")
>>> # warren also does 20 and 60 in place of 10--three possible lookups
>>> key = ( stored.r, int(10*round(phi/10)), int(10*round(psi/10)))
>>> if key in rot_lib.keys():
>>>   print "This rotamer has %s possible positions" % len(rot_lib[key])
>>> Lookups in the independent library are easier--just provide a residue
>>> name.
>>> Cheers,
>>> -- Jason
>>> On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Martin Hediger<ma....@bluewin.ch>
>>>  wrote:
>>>>  Dear all, let me rephrase my question in a less confusing way.
>>>> For a given mutant, I need a PDB file for every available rotamer. I
>>>> guess thats the simplest way of putting it. How can I achieve that?
>>>> Thanks for hints.
>>>> Martin
>>>> Am 12.09.10 00:08, schrieb Martin Hediger:
>>>>>    Hi all
>>>>> I want to do some scripted mutations on a range of residues. Say I want
>>>>> to mutate residue 189 to every rotamer of [Asp, His, Glu, Thr, Lys]
>>>>> available in the PyMOL internal rotamer library. I'm seeing that PyMOL
>>>>> issues cmd.get_wizard().do_state(i) to select rotamer 'i' for a
>>>>> mutation. Now, if I want to iterate over all available rotamers, I need
>>>>> the limit rotamer number. How can I obtain the maximum number of
>>>>> rotamers available for every amino acid?
>>>>> Thanks for hints on this
>>>>> Martin
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> --
> Jason Vertrees, PhD
> PyMOL Product Manager
> Schrodinger, LLC
> (e) jason.vertr...@schrodinger.com
> (o) +1 (603) 374-7120
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Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.

post-doctoral researcher
Molecular Dynamics Group
Groningen Institute for Biomolecular Research and Biotechnology /
University of Groningen
The Netherlands

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