Hi Tim,

> I love pymol for creating high quality figures and analysing my
> structures. But creating movies in pymol is rather tedious... CCP4mg
> seems to be much easier to use for creating movies, you just have to
> save a scene and CCP4mg interpolates between the created scenes.
> Is there a plan to include such a feature in pymol as well? It would
> simplify the structural biologist`s life enormously.

Thanks for writing. PyMOL has had this capability for years--and it's
really simple.

You define scenes from the command line, using hot keys, or through
the Scene menu. After your scenes are defined you can scroll through
them with PgUp/PgDn or through the menus (Scene > Next/Previous).
Here's a small intro to get you started:

# create something to make a movie from

fetch 1rx1, async=0

# turn on scene buttons

set scene_buttons

# store a "scene"; same as Ctrl-PgDn on the
# keyboard or Scene > Append from menus

scene 001, append


# store a "scene"; same as Ctrl-PgDn on the
# keyboard or Scene > Append from menus

scene 002, append

# move the camera around

orient i. 40-42

show sticks, i. 40-42

# store scene

scene 003, append

# move the camera around, change
# representation

turn x, 45
as cartoon

# store scene

scene 004, append

# go to the first scene

scene 001

Now just hit PgUp/PgDn to automatically interpolate between scenes.

Movie > Program > Scene Loop > ... will automatically program the
movie for you (click the play button after you do this). If you have
Incentive PyMOL then File > Save Movie > MPEG will even dump the movie
to an MPEG for you.

PyMOL will always smoothly transition from scene to scene even if you
interrupt the transition.

All of the above could have just as easily been done using the mouse:
in PyMOL you can create movies without even touching the keyboard if
you want.

PyMOL also gives you scene buttons to click on and (right-click on).

Here's a more in depth, if slightly outdated, tutorial:


-- Jason

Jason Vertrees, PhD
PyMOL Product Manager
Schrodinger, LLC

(e) jason.vertr...@schrodinger.com
(o) +1 (603) 374-7120

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