Hi Jordan,

nice script, but it does not do the same like the renumber script from
the PyMOLWiki (http://pymolwiki.org/index.php/Renumber). Try this: set
all residue numbers to 1, the renumber script will not care because it
walks along the bonds and increases the count whenever it passes a
peptide bond. The Biopython parser however will read just one residue.


Jordan Willis wrote, On 01/21/13 19:53:
> Does it have to be a pymol script. Renumbering pdbs is the bread and butter 
> of biopython pdb module:
> #!/blue/meilerlab/apps/Linux2/x86_64/bin/python2.5
> import sys
> from Bio.PDB import *
> from optparse import OptionParser
> import warnings
> def main():
>     usage = "%prog input.pdb output.pdb"
>     parser= OptionParser(usage)
>     parser.add_option("-n",dest="start",help="residue number to start with, 
> default is 1",default=1)
>     parser.add_option("--preserve",dest="preserve",help="preserve insertion 
> code and heteroflags",default=False, action="store_true")
>     parser.add_option("--norestart",dest="norestart",help="don't start 
> renumbering at each chain, default=False",default=False, action="store_true")
>     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
>     warnings.simplefilter('ignore',PDBExceptions.PDBConstructionWarning)
>     PDBparse = PDBParser(PERMISSIVE=1)
>     struct = PDBparse.get_structure(args[0][0:3],args[0])
>     residue_id = int(options.start)
>     chain_id = ""
>     for residue in struct.get_residues():
>         chain = residue.get_parent()
>         if(chain_id != chain.get_id() and not options.norestart):
>             chain_id = chain.get_id()
>             residue_id=int(options.start)
>          if(options.preserve):
>             hetero = residue.id[0]
>             insert = residue.id[2]
>             residue.id=(hetero,residue_id,insert)
>         else:
>             residue.id=(' ',residue_id,' ')
>         residue_id +=1
>     io=PDBIO()
>     io.set_structure(struct)
>     io.save(args[1])
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     main()

Thomas Holder
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Schrödinger Contractor

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