all manual and GUI operations are not accepted here!
I'm dealing with the a huge number of protein-ligand complexes (many many
different proteins but only 1 ligand- so the situation is not very bad !).
But what is bad that I need to dock each complex using vina and make its
parametrization by amber



2014-09-17 15:32 GMT+02:00 Gianluca Santoni <>:

> Hi James,
> what usually worked for me was simply to do it manually, in editing mode
> with pymol.
> Consider that you will perform an energy minimization after, so a few
> 1/10 of angstroms of difference in your initial model are not a big
> deal, in my opinion.
> Cheers,
> Gian
> On 9/17/14 3:17 PM, James Starlight wrote:
> > Hi Fotis,
> >
> > thank you very much for the suggestion!
> >
> > Indeed I have not had such problem with the preparation structure for
> > NAMD but in case of amber its really exist (the structure of the ligand
> > provided in the complex with the receptor.pdb must be EXACTLY the same
> > as it was previously parametrized using some amber program called
> > antechamber).
> > So I will be interesting in two options
> > 1) to find some shell utility for superimposition of the 2 ligands in
> > one-style command (because here I'm dealing with some script and I need
> > to do it in loop many times)
> > or (which is better!)
> >
> > 2) use pdb2pqr software (because I'm using it in the part of this script
> > to process complex and to add hydrogens to ligand as well)- here I
> > noticed that ligand should be provided as the separate .mol2 file (not
> > pdb)- which is a bit not comfortable for me (because I obained all
> > docking poses from VINA as the pdb). I guess I should here to put ligand
> > from complex, to convert it to mol2 and proceed 2 files (receptor and
> > ligand) to the pdb2pqr. But may be the better solution is exist?
> >
> > James
> >
> >
> >
> > 2014-09-17 12:32 GMT+02:00 Fotis Baltoumas <
> > <>>:
> >
> >     Hello James,
> >     You can use the Pair Fitting wizard (Menu: Wizards=>Pair Fitting) or
> >     the pair_fit command to superimpose small molecules. It's not as
> >     straightforward as protein super/align, since you have to define the
> >     atom pairs that will be superimposed, but it's fairly easy. After
> >     that, just make a selection of your receptor and your new ligand and
> >     save it as a molecule.
> >
> >     However, I don't think you really have a problem here. Since the
> >     only issue you mention is the lack of hydrogen atoms, couldn't you
> >     just reintroduce them through some function in the AmberTools? I
> >     have no experience with Amber parameterization tools but, if they're
> >     even remotely like the PSF makers for CHARMM/X-PLOR/NAMD, then they
> >     can add hydrogen atoms for you easily.
> >     Another option would be to create a PQR file, either through PDB2PQR
> >     ( or through the APBSTools
> >     GUI in PyMOL. Part of the PQR creation includes adding hydrogen
> >     atoms, and you can use AMBER parameters both for proteins and for
> >     ligands (mol2 format). Your result would be the structure of your
> >     complex, with hydrogens, in the AMBER format.
> >
> >     Hope I helped,
> >     Fotis Baltoumas
> >
> >     2014-09-17 13:01 GMT+03:00 James Starlight <
> >     <>>:
> >
> >         Dear Pymol users,
> >
> >         I've decide to make a copy of this topic from the amber mail
> >         list because this problem could be solves by ones of the methods
> >         implemented in Pymol.
> >
> >         Here I'm facing with the problem of the preparation of
> >         protein-ligand complexes for amber md simulation:
> >         Following amber's tutorial I've made parametrization of the
> >         ligand using antechamber obtaining ligand.frcmod and ligand.lib
> >         files consisted of the parameters for my ligand and its
> >         coordinates in mol2 associated with those topologies. Now I'd
> >         like to dock this ligand to the active site of the receptor
> >         using autodock vina and make further tleap processing of
> >         complex.pdb produced by autodock to obtain all input data for
> >         simulation. Here some problems: because (superimposed to the
> >         receptor cavity) ligand.pdb produced by autodock have been
> >         stripped from all hydrogen’s so its coordinates not equal to
> >         initial ligand.mol2 . How do you think will it possible to use
> >         some method of the ligand superimposition to superimpose initial
> >         ligand.mol2 (with correct corrdinates) agains docking pose
> >         produced by vina and use superimposed ligand.mol2 for the
> >         preparation of my complex?
> >
> >         Thanks for help,
> >
> >         James
> >
> >
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> Gianluca Santoni,
> Dynamop Group
> Institut de Biologie Structurale
> 6 rue Jules Horowitz
> 38027 Grenoble Cedex 1
> France
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