Hi James -

I don’t have any experience with Profit.  However, instead of using "something 
like” PyMOL’s `super` command as you asked, you could actually use `super` in 
your shell session by launching PyMOL in command line 
mode<http://www.pymolwiki.org/index.php/Command_Line_Options>.  Of course, you 
would need to modify it according to your file naming scheme, but here’s a 
working example.



# grab some related pdb files to use and make one of them the reference
# (obviously you won’t have to do this)
for pdb in 1bbd 7fab 1dba 1plg 1nl0; do
    pymol -c -d "fetch ${pdb}, mobile${i}, async=0; save mobile${i}.pdb"
mv mobile0.pdb $REF

# align all the mobile files to a selection in the reference file
for MOB in mobile*.pdb; do
    # strip the extensions
    R=$(echo $REF | sed 's/\.pdb$//')
    M=$(echo $MOB | sed 's/\.pdb$//')

    # superimpose and save aligned mobile coordinates
    pymol $REF $MOB -c -q -d "super $M, $R and resi 1-110; save 

pymol mobile*_aligned.pdb

You could also use CEalign if you need something citable, just switch the order 
of the arguments to it: `cealign $R and resi 1-110, $M`.

Hope that helps.


Jared Sampson
Xiangpeng Kong Lab
NYU Langone Medical Center

On Sep 19, 2014, at 6:03 AM, James Starlight 
<jmsstarli...@gmail.com<mailto:jmsstarli...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Dear all,

I still need some help regarding some algorithm for structural superimposition 
of my mobile structures regarding one specified reference using some fitting 
method (to avoid changing in the position of the reference.pdb which is very 
important for me!)=>something like super command in pymol. Using ProFit I have 
faced with some errors during superimposition regarding the chosing reference 
(in case where there were some differences in the positions of ref and mob 
structures its alignment was not perfect (the mob had not been fully aligned on 
the ref) obtaining very big RMSD (20 A!) as the result although its actual 
value should be in range of 2-5 A. I'll be thankful for possible sollutions of 
this problem using Profit is there are users experienced with this software (mb 
it should to define fitting zones or atom subsets more accurately but I have no 
ideas here ) or any other alternatives which could be used as parts of the 
shell script.


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