Thanks, Jared.

I did ultimately find it there. Looks like what I was shooting for isn't 
likely to be very straightforward. From what I can tell, it doesn't seem 
that any of the atom information gets passed into RayRender.


On 09/23/2016 12:34 PM, Sampson, Jared M. wrote:
> Hi Paul -
> The relevant function used for VRML export is RayRenderVRML2() in 
> layer1/Ray.cpp.
> Cheers,
> Jared
>> On Sep 22, 2016, at 11:43 AM, Paul Paukstelis <> 
>> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I've started playing with 3D printing some ball-and-stick models
>> (primarily nucleic acids). I've worked up some Blender scripts to enable
>> automatic pinning (e.g. add a small pin to cylinder of the O3'-P bond
>> and a correspond hole in the phosphate sphere), however, I'm trying to
>> further decrease the amount of user input needed in Blender to
>> ultimately export the model parts for printing. One thing that would be
>> really useful would be to define some custom child nodes in the VRML
>> output (atom names for example) and subsequently input that into Blender
>> as custom properties. Could someone point me to the most relevant pymol
>> files responsible for VRML output? I did some quick fgrep'ing and didn't
>> find too much that was of use. Blender side was pretty easy to
>> accomplish so far.
>> Thanks,
>> --paul
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