First of all, thanks a lot for all the work you've put in pip, especially

Like Paul, I rely mostly on mail notifications to follow new/updated
I usually read everything and if I don't respond immediately, I'm used to
leaving the mail as unread to - hopefully - come back to it later (it does
not work so well, since I've currently 238 unread mails in my Github/pip
label ;) ).
I'm not particularly satisfied with this workflow (even if it globally
works), so any improvement is very welcome.

Between the different options A (dismiss review on update), B (dismiss
review on contributor special message) and C (nothing), I think B has my
favor, (followed by A and C).

What I like with B is that is could be a first step for allowing more
control on the issue for the user (via Browntruck):
cf for
possible examples (so maybe allow to add a restricted list of labels).
Concerning the added complexity for contributors,
could indeed be quite helpful.

The main issue is indeed that, when a contributor updates its PR and does
not post any message, nobody gets notified.
With option B, this is solved naturally since the user will have to post a
message, removing the "change needed" label but also triggering a new mail
notification :).

Concerning the failing tests, maybe Browntruck could also post a message to
tell the user that tests are broken (but I'm wondering if travis does not
already do that) if the tests are failing and the pull request has not been
updated since a day ?

Concerning the email digest, this seems like a good idea, weekly but not

Hopefully, with all this, we'll be able to merge PRs quicker which should
keep our list of open PRs fairly low and might help motivating new
contributors :)



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