Hi all,

Next #pypy-sync meeting on freenode.net is tomorrow Thursday at 1pm as

Regular topics

* activity reports (3 prepared lines of info)
* resolve conflicts/blockers

Here is my draft proposal of

Topics of the week

A quick point about IRC logging

  I (Chris) have set up an eggdrop server on tismerysoft.de.
  This server logs
  #pypy, #pypy-funding (password), #pypy-sync, #pypy-tb.
  Let me know tomorrow if it should log something else.
  To make this service more reliable, I would like to add
  a second server. I could use another one of mine, but this
  makes no sense in using the same network.
  I'd like to ask which other server to use, maybe codespeak,
  maybe Armin's new server. Anyway, I'd like to take responsibility
  and the rights to set that up, since I did it before.

Participation on the CCC congress in Berlin

  There is a CCC congress in Berlin  2005–12–27 to 2005–12–30.
  See http://wiki.chaostreff.ch/index.php/Main_Page
  They told us on IRC that they are interested in talks from us.
  This appeared to me to be quite unspecific, they seem to be
  interested in scientific talks. For PyPy, I anyway thing that
  it would be good not to emphasize too much on Python itself,
  but the general aspectsof translation which are possible to
  tackle with out framework. Se also Armin's draft in pypy/doc.

  We should collect who wants to give a talk or just attend
  this congress. We also might talk about how we manage claims
  about giving a talk. Practice has been to say it somewhere
  at some time often enough, but I'm not sure if this is a pleasant
  strategy for everybody to continue with.

  I would like to ask people who would like to attend in any
  way to inform   me early, because I probably can provide help
  in finding locals who can share a room.

Current optimization activities and allocation of work

  There are currently several ongoings on optimization, where I
  can't remember that they were assigned officially in any way.
  Practice seems to be to justpick an issue which has a good chance
  to provide a 200 % speedup and then go for it. I am personally
  not really happy with this and would like to ask about opinions.
  My proposal is to have a more informal way to decide about
  activities, by issuing a short IRC meeting and giving everybody
  a chance to ask for participation. We should also be open to
  discuss reasons for an individual's rejection. This might be
  painful, but setting facts by just doing things is a worse
  practice IMHO.

Other activities, follow-up on sync meeting of last week

  As a conclusion from last week's meeting, docs and reports
  appear to reduce to a meeting of Holger, Carl, Samuele and Armin
  one day before the Paris sprint. I would like to ask again, if
  this was meant this way. There is quite some time left until Paris.
  Can we talk again about what we want to work on in the meantime,
  if it is not just optimization? -- The next topic is related, maybe
  this is a merger.

Making money out of PyPy

  Jacob asked me on the last sprint, if it is possible to make
  money out of PyPy right now. I passed this around once, but would
  like to insist. I am personally interested to make PyPy move
  away a bit from its purely academical status and to think a little
  bit about how we can create practical applications in the near future,
  which allow to grow marketable services for our members, in order
  to reduce PyPy's dependency from the EU sponsoring.

Please propose additions and changes, I just listed what immediately
came to my mind. I'm also happy if you say some topics are too big
and should be moved to another meeting.

See you tomorrow at 1 pm.

sincerely -- chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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