holger krekel wrote:
PyPy is not primarily - at least not only - about making
Python faster although many people like to view it this way :-)

This correction is a bit confusing... It is not surprising that people view "a faster Python" as a primary goal of your project, as that's the message that's been spread repeatedly by you all over the years:

"The PyPy project aims at producing a flexible and fast Python implementation. The guiding idea is to translate a Python-level description of the Python language itself to lower level languages. Rumors have it that the secret goal is being faster-than-C which is nonsense, isn't it?"


"In the next step of the project, we will generate C code or machine code from the source of Pypy, thereby reducing the speed penalty.

Later in the project, we will introduce optimisation steps that should make Pypy run faster than CPython."


"Psyco is a Python extension module which can massively speed up the execution of any Python code.
The future of Psyco now lies in the PyPy project, which according to plan will provide a good base for a Python interpreter with better and well-integrated Psyco-like techniques as soon as 2006."

I certainly hope that your "not primarily - at least not only" doesn't indicate that the goal of making Python faster is slowly becoming less important to you all, as I'd very much like a faster Python, and more flexibility of implementation is, while of tremendous personal interest to me, not one of much business interest in the foreseeable future, which means it's unlikely I'll get to play with PyPy much unless it offers performance benefits.

I realize that of course that flexibility has always been a primary goal of PyPy as well; obviously speed isn't the *only* goal of the project, but the flexibility goal now dominates and a faster Python is indeed not of primary importance to the project, I would suggest you revise the previous statements, which make it rather likely people will get this wrong impression.



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