Hi Bookaa,

On 04/23/2012 08:19 AM, Armin Rigo wrote:
> Bookaa, the person to do that can be you.  In that case you need to
> learn about Mercurial version control and the http://bitbucket.org
> repository.  I would recommend that you register on bitbucket, and
> create your own fork of "pypy/pypy" to play with.  If you don't want
> to do that, I fear that your code will remain unaccepted, unless
> someone else jumps in and does it.  (In all cases, in a fork, please.)

just an additional suggestion: even if you do a fork of pypy, make sure to do
your work inside a named branch (e.g. "better-c-sources" or something like
that). This way it's much easier for us to pull your code into the main pypy
repo and run all the tests using our buildbot.

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