On 29 September 2015 at 21:18, Carl Friedrich Bolz <cfb...@gmx.de> wrote:
> One thing that's very cool in BBV that I'm not aware of any other JIT
> doing is to have type-specialized entry points for uninlinable methods.
> Ie if a method is not inlined then the caller calls a type specialized
> entry point with all the local type knowledge taken into account. In
> addition, the result type is propagated back out from the uninlined
> method to the calling function.

I couldn't help but think when I read this post last week that it's
like a dynamic equivalent of CFA2; which is exciting because CFA2 is
such a dramatic improvement over k-CFA for intraprocedural analysis.

It's good to see how well such a simple principle about specialising
type information can produce such good results.

William Leslie

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