What's a "python QT object"?


On Sunday 06 July 2003 2:07 pm, Rob Knapp wrote:
> I am writting a C++ wrapper for some python QT objects.  As a result,
> I need to recieve the PYSIGNALS from the python object and retransmit
> them so my container binary can connect to them. [This is a double post
> (kind of), I posted the same question on thursday (7/3/2003), but I've
> tried a bunch of new things so I thought I would include those as well.]
> From the documentation it looks like I need to use sipConnectRX (please
> correct me if this is wrong).
> This is the code that I'm trying to use:
> PyObject * sipThisObject;
> sipThisObject = sipGetThisWrapper( this, qtQWidget);
> sipConnectRx(objPyWidget, "SomePythonSignal", sipThisObject,
> "slot_OnSomePythonSignal")
> qtQWidget is the pyobject representing the class that I get from the qt
> module.
> objPyWidget is a member variable in my class which is an instance of my
> pyqt widget.
> I've tried the following variations with no luck, sipThisObject is always
> null:
> haveing my wrapper inherit from sipQWidget
> trying to get a wrapper for QObject
> casting the this pointer to a sipQWidget pointer.
> Thanks,
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