On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 08:02:47 -0800
"Longson, Joe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think we are all arguing from the same side of the issue.  
> I agree that namespaces are important, I'm just asking several questions:
> 1.   Why add an additional namespace for qt4 related functionality (we 
> didn't do this for qt3)?  In terms of code maintainability, it will 
> actually save me time if I did "from qt import *" instead of "import 
> qt", since I would have to change lines of code.
Qt4 differs sufficiently from Qt3 to drive you mad if you try to write
one single program for both versions of Qt, especially if the Qt3
compatibility classes won't get wrapped (the transition from Qt2 to Qt3
was much smoother than the transition from Qt3 to Qt4 will be).
> 2.   Why are we assuming that we need to be able to use both qt3 and qt4 
> in the same enviroment???
I do not know when Qt4 will replace Qt3 in Linux distributions, but I suppose
that is when KDE is ready for Qt4.  Even then I will wait a little
bit till the bugs have got shaken out.  However, I would like to port PyQwt
to Qt4 as soon as possible, so I will run both versions for at least a
year (probably 2 or 3).


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