On Thursday 26 January 2006 09:42, leau2001 wrote:
> Package needed with synaptic
> — python2.4-qt3
> — python2.4-qtext
> — python2.4-sip4.qt3
> — pyqt-tools
> — python2.4-qt3-gl (to use l’OpenGL)
> — qt3-designer
> — qt3-assistant
> — qt3-dev-tools
> — qt3-doc
> — qt3-examples
> — qt3-linguist
> For those who want to develop on ubuntu gnome, you need to install
> — qt3-qtconfig
> On synaptic, use eric package and not eric3 package
> On gnome use console to start, on kubuntu programs are on the K menu

Please be sure, that python-kde3 and python-kde3-dev (for pyuic) is installed, 
too :)

And please file any bugs you find in those package at 
http://launchpad.net/malone/ (this is only for ubuntu)

Please do not file any bugs in the debian bts for ubuntu packages. Thx.


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