I heard Giovanni Bajo said:

> As I said elsewhere, I believe this kind of improvements belongs to a
> separate wrapper, such as PyPyQt built on top of PyQt. Others would
> prefer a PyQt compilation switch or something like that.

Hello Giovanni,

I'd cast my vote in favor of a wrapper. I think we already brought up 
the idea when discussing the Qt namespace issue.

Essentially, it does make a lot of sense to provide the C++ Qt API 'as 
is' to people migrating from C++ to Python, but the majority of the 
PyQt developper community, as far as I can tell, is made of experienced 
Python programmers, and a more Pythonic interface would make a lot of 
sense as well.

Now, though, do we make that a separate project, or something that would 
ship with PyQt as it currently exists? (And by this I mean, really, 
Phil, do you want to have your hands in that wrapper, or would you 
rather it be a community project?)

-- S.

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