after upgrade to SIP 4.4 and PyQt  3.16, all my PyQT programs which uses 
QwidgetFactory stopped to work. If I call 
QWidgetFactory.create("some_form.ui") from qtui module, I get SIGSEGV and 
Python is killed instantly.

I have tried gdb, but my system is compiled without debugging symbols (and I 
don't have time to recompile it with debugging symbols), so it is not very 

(no debugging symbols found)
 (no debugging symbols found)
 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 [Switching to Thread -1211967808 (LWP 19040)]
 0xb7f92531 in initsip () from /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/sip.so

I have used SIP 4.3.2 and PyQt 3.15.1 before and QwidgetFactory had worked 
without problems. Btw. I am using Qt 3.3.6.

Thanks for your help,
Michal Krenek (Mikos)

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