Hey everyone,  I've been away from the PyQt world for
 too long.  Last time I used it was back in the 3.3 days.

But recently, I've found myself playing with a 
personal project on Linux (and trying to get it run on
 Mac/Windows as well...), and I decided to go back
 and see what PyQT4 was all about.  I must say that 
I like the more modular layout.

But, now I've hit my first snag.  I'm trying to wrap WebKitQt up for use in the 
project, and following
the example at riverbankcompting.com/Docs, 
(which looks like it was written for qt3, since
I couldn't find qt/qtmod.sip....) I 
have come up with something that compiles....
but when I try to import I get:
>>> import libQtWebKit
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: ./libQtWebKit.so: undefined symbol: _ZN8QWebPage11qt_metacastEPKc

Attached is a small example, and below is my build process.  (it's convoluted, 
but I think that is because
I'm not using sip quite right...any advice would be great.)

1) Follow directions here to build libWebKitQt:

2) add <stuff>/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Release/lib to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH

3) run python configure.py

4) open up the Makefile and add 

5) Add -L<stuff>/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Release/lib

6) make

Now, this seems to compile and link just fine...
and all the world seems to be sunshine and roses...
until I start a python interpreter and try to import,
and I get the error message above.

I would appreciate any help or advice on getting this
code actually usable.

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Description: Binary data

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