> On Sat, 14 Jul 2007 07:15:29 -0400, Rob Knapp wrote:
> > But, now I've hit my first snag. I'm trying to wrap WebKitQt up for use in
> > the project, and following the example at riverbankcompting.com/Docs,
> > (which looks like it was written for qt3, since
> > I couldn't find qt/qtmod.sip....) I
> > have come up with something that compiles....
> I found it easier to look at an existing project. Maybe it's time for
> some more documentation about this.

Well, I dug for several hours a while in the PyQT code before posting to the 
list, but wasn't able to find the magic key.  I will keep trying.

If I can get this working, I'd be happy to submit an updated tutorial with
 whatever information I gather.

> > but when I try to import I get:
> > >>> import libQtWebKit
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> > ImportError: ./libQtWebKit.so: undefined symbol:
> > _ZN8QWebPage11qt_metacastEPKc
> This looks like moc should have been used to process a header file, but
> wasn't. It's not easy to say how you can fix this without knowing more
> about WebKitQt's build process and the one for your own wrappers.
> Does WebKit come with test and examples that you can use to check that
> it actually works as expected?

Yes, building webkit builds a program called QtLauncher that lets you test
and make sure everything is working, and I have verified that it was functional
before posting.

> I know you included a link to the WebKit Wiki, but I don't have the time
> to build it myself.
> [Information about the build process.]
> > Now, this seems to compile and link just fine...
> > and all the world seems to be sunshine and roses...
> > until I start a python interpreter and try to import,
> > and I get the error message above.
> >
> > I would appreciate any help or advice on getting this
> > code actually usable.
> If you put your code somewhere, the people on this list who are both
> interested in WebKit and SIP experts can take a look at it.

The code was attached to my original posting, a breach of netiquette, I know.
However, I figured since the tarball was smaller than some posts (1.8K) to the
list, it wouldn't raise too many hackles.

Of course, if people would rather download it from a website, I can easily
post it somewhere as well.  

> David (neither a WebKit expert nor a SIP expert)
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