On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 10:16:53 +0100, Chris Withers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey All,
> Apologies for the newbie questions, I'm still trying to decide what gui 
> toolkit I want to use and so would like to give Qt4 a go. Everything I 
> do is in python, so that leads me to PyQt4 ;-)
> I'm currently doing entirely open soruce development on Windows. 
> However, I wouldn't like to rule out developing some commercial apps 
> later. What's the licensing position on this? This, from the Trolltech 
> website was more than a little weird:
> """
> The Commercial License does not allow you to incorporate code developed 
> with the Open Source Editions of Trolltech software into a proprietary 
> project
> """
> That seems weird to put it politely. I would have thought they both had 
> the same interfaces?

It's not a technical limitation. It is to prevent people developing a
commercial product with the GPL version and then switching to the
commercial version at the last minute. The PyQt commercial license has the
same restriction. In reality we would be open to discussion (usually
involving backdating the purchase of the commercial licenses).

> Anyway, some questions:
> - where do I get the Qt Designer from?

It's part of Qt.

> - how come PyQt4 isn't on PyPI? (Nowadays I'm used to just specifying 
> packages as egg requirements in a buildout.cfg 
> (http://buildout.zope.org/) but I guess I can't do that with PyQt4?)

PyPI is a PIA to use when you are not using eggs.


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