On 08.08.08 10:16:53, Chris Withers wrote:
> Hey All,
> Apologies for the newbie questions, I'm still trying to decide what gui  
> toolkit I want to use and so would like to give Qt4 a go. Everything I  
> do is in python, so that leads me to PyQt4 ;-)
> I'm currently doing entirely open soruce development on Windows.  
> However, I wouldn't like to rule out developing some commercial apps  
> later. What's the licensing position on this? This, from the Trolltech  
> website was more than a little weird:
> """
> The Commercial License does not allow you to incorporate code developed  
> with the Open Source Editions of Trolltech software into a proprietary  
> project
> """
> That seems weird to put it politely. I would have thought they both had  
> the same interfaces?

Its not a technical, but a legal limitation. That is you're not allowed
to make money off any code you've developed with the open-source version
of Qt (or PyQt for that matter).

> Anyway, some questions:
> - where do I get the Qt Designer from?

>From Qt: www.trolltech.com

> - how come PyQt4 isn't on PyPI? (Nowadays I'm used to just specifying  
> packages as egg requirements in a buildout.cfg  
> (http://buildout.zope.org/) but I guess I can't do that with PyQt4?)

Because so far there's little interest in that I think, plus PyQt4
doesn't use distutils/setuptools and hence one would need to change the
buildsystem first probably.


Try to relax and enjoy the crisis.
                -- Ashleigh Brilliant
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