On Tue, 23 Dec 2008 18:33:44 +0100, Pierre Raybaut <cont...@pythonxy.com>
> Hi Phil,
> I see that PyQt 4.4.4 win32 binaries are still available only for Python 
> 2.6.
> Have you considered distributing binaries for Python 2.5?
> I guess that a lot of PyQt users are still depending on Python 2.5, and 
> since building PyQt is not a 5-minutes task (please consider that it's 
> much longer for other people than yourself ;) ) distributing these 
> binaries would be very useful -- I would also distribute them through 
> Python(x,y).
> Unless the 4.4.4 release is not worth the effort? (I mean when compared 
> to the 4.4.3 release, not from a general point of view!)

I will keep old installers around for older versions of Python but I've got
no plans to update them.

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