On Sep 13, 2009, at 6:12 AM, Phil Thompson wrote:

I've added a --arch option to SIP's configure.py. It may be specified any
number of times. PyQt's configure.py will also use the information.

I've added a --use-arch option to PyQt's configure.py to tell it to use
arch in the pyuic4 wrapper script. If there is a problem with
/usr/bin/python then you should run configure.py using /usr/bin/ python2.6

The changes are in the current snapshots. Let me know if more needs to be

(OK, earlier packaging finished up quickly.)

SIP --arch option - so far works OK. I configured SIP with just -- arch=i386.

PyQt --use-arch - no good. The config stage uses the default arch, so ends up trying to compile qtdirs with the default 64bit architecture, which of course fails. Maybe it should use the SIP arch info for config test compilation?

I also noticed that it doesn't use SIP's default macros or platform (mkspec), but instead is hardwired to 'fix' qmake args to add -spec macx-g++.

I was able to get it past qtdirs by adding make overrides for CXX and LINK in the make command, adding arch flags (I couldn't figure out how to override these from qmake), but then there were a lot more config tests that failed for the same reason.

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

"The beast is actively interested only in now, and, as it is always now and always shall be, there is an eternity of time for the accomplishment of objects."

- the wisdom of Tarzan

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