On Sun, 13 Sep 2009 18:18:29 -0500, William Kyngesburye
<wokl...@kyngchaos.com> wrote:
> On Sep 13, 2009, at 6:12 AM, Phil Thompson wrote:
>> I've added a --arch option to SIP's configure.py. It may be  
>> specified any
>> number of times. PyQt's configure.py will also use the information.
>> I've added a --use-arch option to PyQt's configure.py to tell it to  
>> use
>> arch in the pyuic4 wrapper script. If there is a problem with
>> /usr/bin/python then you should run configure.py using /usr/bin/ 
>> python2.6
>> The changes are in the current snapshots. Let me know if more needs  
>> to be
>> done.
> (OK, earlier packaging finished up quickly.)
> SIP --arch option - so far works OK.  I configured SIP with just -- 
> arch=i386.
> PyQt --use-arch - no good.  The config stage uses the default arch, so  
> ends up trying to compile qtdirs with the default 64bit architecture,  
> which of course fails.  Maybe it should use the SIP arch info for  
> config test compilation?

Yes - will be fixed in tonight's snapshot.

> I also noticed that it doesn't use SIP's default macros or platform  
> (mkspec), but instead is hardwired to 'fix' qmake args to add -spec  
> macx-g++.

It will now use the value you passed to SIP's configure.py -p (--platform)

> I was able to get it past qtdirs by adding make overrides for CXX and  
> LINK in the make command, adding arch flags (I couldn't figure out how  
> to override these from qmake), but then there were a lot more config  
> tests that failed for the same reason.

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